Posts Tagged ‘media accounts’

How to Use IFTTT

How to Use IFTTT

How to Use IFTTT

If you are the type of person who likes to learn things to make your virtual life easy, then you are in for a treat.

Let me introduce to you IFTTT (sounds like “gift” without the “g”).  It is a web tool that allows you to create connections between two different websites and services.  IFTTT is shortcut for “If This Then That”. It uses that formula to create an automatic action for a specific trigger. When the trigger  is set, IFTTT relays that action to create the outcome that you want.  For example, you can use IFTTT to automatically post your new blog post to your  Facebook, Twitter or your other social media accounts. You can also use IFTTT to back up your post to your favorite file storage site.

You can build these types of automation by setting up the recipe in IFTTT. A recipe looks like this:

IFTTT Recipe

IFTTT Recipe

You can create your own IFTTT recipe or use shared templates created by other users and change them to suit your needs. You just need to connect your social medial channels, add the trigger that sets your recipe to action and set the action that you want for your final outcome.

Setting up a recipe is a breeze. Here is a tutorial to show how you can create your own account and create your first IFTTT recipe. By the way, did I tell you that IFTTT is free to use? Well, YES it is!

So start getting creative and share your great recipes at IFTTT. Have fun!