Posts Tagged ‘Pinterest’

Social Media Image Size Cheat Sheet

This infographic is very informative. It holds every size of images on your favorite social media platform. Now you don’t have to remember or Google search for it. Just remember that it changes a lot. That is how social media is. So it won’t hurt to be always on your toes.

For more awesome infographics and tips on social media, view my virtual assistant board at Pinterest.

Enjoy sharing!


How to Use Woobox to add a Pinterest Tab to your Facebook Page

How to Use Woobox to Create Pinterest Tab to your Facebook Page

Like us on Facebook

In the last blog post I shown how to add a blog and Twitter feed tab to your Facebook Fan Page. This time around, I am going to share to you how your fans can connect with your Pinterest via Facebook. has come up with an easy and quick way how to  add a Pinterest tab to your page. It is free to use, so, what more could you ask for?  Now your fans can engage with you on Pinterest through your Facebook Page. With this app, you can direct your visitors to your Pinterest boards. You can also use this app to reach out to more Facebook users and expand your fan base.

Just follow my step by step guide below on how to do it.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful. If you would like to see the app in action, visit my Facebook page.

Feel free to comment below with any questions you might have.

How to Use BO.LT

How to Use BO.LT , A networking site that lets you copy and share web pages

By B Rosen

Last month, I shared with you a tutorial on how to use Pinterest.  As a quick review, Pinterest lets you pin your favorite photos on the Web and share it with others. What if, instead of a photo of the camera, you want to save a blog, an article or a product review of it. Then, it would be better for you to use BO.LT instead.

BO.LT is a web page sharing network.  It lets people copy any page in the web. With BO.LT, you can actually grab pieces of the web, put them together into one collection for you to come back and review them.

Now, after the pin, comes the bolt.

A copy of any page saved in BO.LT is called a bolt. Once you made a bolt, you can share it right away via Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest and Buffer. You also have an option to keep your bolts private. You also get to save your bolts into your own customized collections based on your topics of interests.  With collections, it is easy to organize the bolts you’re creating. You can also share these collections to your friends and followers in BO.LT.

BO.LT is also a networking site. You can find lots of bolts from other users which you can ‘rebolt’ to your own collection. You can also do other social engagement by liking, sharing and commenting on numerous bolts submitted by other users.

I find this very useful considering I read a lot of contents on the web. I am a constant star pusher in Google Chrome. Yes, I do have a cluttered bookmarks bar that I can’t seem to organize.  And sometimes, I get even more frustrated when the page I bookmarked disappears for no apparent reason at all. And I am left wondering if I ever get to see that wonderful page again.  Now, with BO.LT, saving them permanently would solve this major bummer.

Here is a step by step tutorial on how to use BO.LT. It contains instructions on how to open your own account and some basic setting features which you need to know about in using BO.LT. You can also find here easy instructions on how to make a bolt.

Follow me at . I will follow you back and see your wonderful collections. Do you find BO.LT useful?  How?

How to use Pinterest

Pinterest is a relatively new and popular social networking site. It is a basically a photo sharing site which allows you to pin photos to your wall and share them to other Pinterest users.  So you might be surfing the web and you find a particular photo or video and store them into a board. The pinned image links back to the site from where you found the image. So, what you are doing basically is bookmarking that image to your Pinterest wall or board and sharing the image forward to others. The boards here are categories you set for yourself based on your interests.

How to use Pinterest

By ShardsOfBlue

So if you are motivated in the Art, Fashion, Do-It-Yourself Crafts, Photography, Travel, and so forth, you can use Pinterest to create visual boards that you can use as inspiration for your work or projects.  Pinterest also allows you to pin videos.  I have tried it by pinning some favorite music videos I regularly listen to in Youtube.

Pinterest relies heavily on photo sharing. If you like collecting and sharing photos based on your personal interests or business, Pinterest is for you. In an internet marketer standpoint, you can use Pinterest to market your product. With Pinterest, you can drive more traffic to your site. Pinterest is also heavily linked with Twitter and Facebook.  You can share your pins and boards to these networking sites.

To join Pinterest, you need an invite. You can go to to request for an invite. Usually, Pinterest will respond to you and give you your invite within a week. Another way to get an invite is through your friends who already have a Pinterest account. I requested an invite from a Facebook friend and I got the invite in just 3 days.

Check out my tutorial on How to use Pinterest. It includes instructions on how to get invited in Pinterest, how to set-up an account, and basic functions of Pinterest. Also follow me on Pinterest at See you there!